Book Description
Why should parents limit the time spent by their children in front of videogames? Why must parents check the mobile phone of their children? Why should parents not resent if their children get angry at them and say bad words? The book replies to these and to many other questions, while revealing parents the one and only truth: the age of preadolescence is critical for the correct development of our sons and daughters and requires much supervision and parental intervention. Even if our children ask for trust, they ask to have it all and now, and they fight to grow up quickly, while mothers and farthers should on the contrary slow down their run, give them only limited trust and support them with good sense. These are the conclusions derived from twenty years of research from neuroscientists that help parents understand how to behave with a preteen who is going through one of the most tricky (and thrilling) stages of his growth.
220 pages
13,5 x 21 cm
€ 14,00
release date: January 2017